November 12, 2008

Life in a 3rd world hit home

So after the rough night I had last night one could only hope today would be better. Since I am still not used to the new work hours I woke up at 6am this morning. Being up I did my best to concocted a prison style workout with in my apartment (push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, triceps). After doing so I quickly jumped in the shower so I could be ready when Stella got here at 8. Upon entering the shower I realized I had no hot water and I did not have any idea how to make it hot. Surprisingly instead of getting mad I instantly thought of something Rachel, my new director, had told me the day before. When she explained about how the office lost networking the week before no one had reported it because they were so used to life being that way. When people here wake up in the morning they may not have power, they cannot control that. Without power they cannot get warm water, sometimes even water at all. Without power they cannot iron their clothes so they come to work wrinkly, they cannot control that. They may get stuck in traffic on the way to work the same day, they cannot control that. When they lose network in the office, they are ok with it as they cannot control it.

I was glad I got a shower.

Instead of writing a long entry I have decided to include some of the responses I have been receiving from everyone. In order to protect the guilty I have omitted all names……..YEA RIGHT. (please do not stop sending them even though I called you out. I find them super funny and they truly do make my day.) Hopefully you find them as witty as I did.


“I am at Innovations. I’ll be here tomorrow too. And the next day. And the next day. ” – K Lofton

“hoping this message finds you less hungry, less hot and less tired than you were last night  And hopefully you are still in possession of everything you got there with!!” - Fish

“I’m heading to NKOTB tonight! I got persuaded to go after a bottle or so of wine on Friday night. Not my idea, but tix were only $25. I’ll have to take pics and send so you can have something to laugh about.” – and now everyone can laugh  - Fish

“Stop spamming me!! “ – Cara, she is a jackass

“And my next “mom-like” statement would be…be careful what you eat and drink!” – Nope not Jamie, this one was actually my mother

“but i'm also hilariously funny so here's all the witty things i have to favorite part is how your amazingly great big screen tv's channels are all in Indian. i basically started laughing at that point. “ - Deb

“tell your girl to buy you some whiskey and make you a dogburger and then maybe you won't care that your power outlets are a fire hazard” - Deb

“Hopefully you come home healthy and not some random illness no one has ever heard of.” - Shanin

“Although I find it disturbing that you can stop on the side of the road and go to the bathroom. Doesn’t really sound like the “touristy” spot to go.” - Shanin

“Don't start worshiping elephants,” - Jamie

“Danny wants to know if he can move to India with you and be your driver. He's good at waiting in parking lots. :)” - Jamie
“I’m picturing you in this grand apartment, and not knowing how to work anything. then sitting in the dark, on your laptop, wondering what the XUCX you’re doing in India! it’s a good picture to have, haha.” - Schlenker

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