November 15, 2008


Today is a glorious day. I got to sleep in and did not wake up until 9. Once up, I walked out to a fruit breakfast, toast, coffee and the paper. Afterwards I was doing a little business when the phone rang, it was the apartment owner. He conversed with Stella for a bit and then she came in and started to ask questions about the TV that I did not understand. Since about 3 days ago I have only had one channel. We turned it on to verify and I now had a bunch of channels. I then decided to go adventure! Since it was the first time I have really left on my own I did not plan on leaving the my block (I did not want to get lost J). While out I found the local Food Mart and really wanted to go look inside, but there was a problem, it was on the opposite side of the street. For those who have not seen India traffic please view the following link (India Traffic). In order to cross traffic you must play frogger. I had no idea what approach to use when attempting to cross the road, and then it hit me, put someone else between me and traffic. I stood off to the side of the road looking around until I found someone else to lead the way. When they moved, I moved, I made it alive :). While in the store they lost power which made the “this store is under video surveillance” signs seem pretty funny. Shopping in stores here is very interesting as people will follow you around waiting for you to need help, they do not follow you because they think you are shop lifting. I purchased a 2 liter Pepsi, a bag of chips that one of the guys at work let me try the other day, and a bag of candy sort of like jolly ranchers only tropical. It totaled 120 RS, which is about $2.55 US. After shopping I froggered one more time and made my way back home, lunch was waiting on the table. When finished with lunch I decided to check the TV one more time just to see what all of the fuss was about this morning. WHOO HOO I have English channels now, lots of them. I told you today was glorious. I am fixing to take a nap as it has been a very stressful Saturday, and then head over to Rachel’s house for Beer and Burgers later tonight :).

1 comment:

wanda said...

Blake, it was great to see you at your parents home over the holiday. I think your adventure is fantastic. How wonderful to do these types of things when you are footloose and fancy free.

When you come home in august, I may have a function to have you go to:) I ahve never blogged before so I am not sure if others can read this or not......let me know.
I am th eone who knows about singing bowls:)

Happy New Year!