January 11, 2009

Bangalore International Automotive Expo

Advertised as a gathering of exotic 4 wheelers (cars), 2 wheelers (bikes), and atv’s, it could be worth a look. After all it did have a Porches GT and a Ferrari on the advertisement flyer. Don’t forget the hefty entrance fee of 20 rupees for parking and 49 rupees for entrance ($1.46 US). Meeting up with a few co-workers we walk into the Palace grounds where the event is located. Similar to the fairgrounds back home there are food stands with fried bananas and jalapeños, and an exhibitor’s area. Walking through the booths there are demos of new car polishes to heat reducing window tints. Reaching the car section this was nothing like the Chicago Auto show. There are no Ferrari's, Porches, or exotic new prototypes but instead there are a few electric rickshaws, and couple of Indian made vehicles. Any time we walked past an area that contained an imported vehicle there were people everywhere. Passing the Yamaha 2 wheelers (motorcycles) you would have thought someone was handing out $100 bills. Wondering for a few hours it turned out to be more fun watching people then it did looking at the main event. Had this been back home I would have been severely disappointed in the show, but here it was a grand afternoon that was not spent sitting on my couch. It is amazing how quickly you find pleasure in little things when all of your other luxuries disappear.


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