November 13, 2008

Life without lawsuits

Right before lunch time, which is 1:30-2:30 pm, I turned around to see what my people were doing. I was shocked to see that none of them were at their desks. What kind of ship am I running? As I headed off in search of them I soon realized they were all crowded in front of the bear by break room. By crowded around I mean like what would happen if Vanilla Ice came to McFadden’s (that’s right ladies and gentleman I shook his hand). When I reached the break room my team was helping a lady to her feet. All of the floors in this country are wood, tile, or marble, and apparently she slipped on a wet spot in front of the water cooler. Her ankle was hurt pretty badly. Since Rachel was gone I was currently the highest in charge, and I had no idea what to do. All I could think about was “Boy this is going to cost Cerner big time” as there was still water all over the break room. We got security, someone to help her, and the maid service to clean up the mess. When Rachel reached the office I quickly explained what I saw, mostly to cover my own back and to make sure there was nothing else we needed to do from a management perspective. She explained to me that in India nothing will happen, she was surprised anyone even helped her up. Over here you should not be dumb enough to slip in that puddle, or dumb enough to fall down that elevator shaft that has no gate or railing. For those of you that do not believe me one of my guys did not show up for work this morning. I soon got an email from Rachel, below is a section I have cut out of it.

“Raghu has gone to the hospital this afternoon for a follow up. The doctors have confirmed that he did not break bones in his face. I was able to get the rest of the story from him this afternoon. When he left the tech park he drove past a couple of bars. A group of guys (he assumes they were drunk) got in their car and pulled out at full speed and hit him. Apparently, he was knocked unconscious and was laid out on the side of the road for sometime and no one stopped to help him.“


1 comment:

mccs said...

haha, get your ship sailing straight. but i must say, it would be nice to not worry about getting sued for anything!